새로운 항암제 AG 60의 일반약리작용

General Pharmacology of AG 60, a New Anticancer Drug

  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


General pharmacological properties of AG 60 (mixture of acriflavine and guanosine (1:1, w/w)), which has anticancer effect, following intramuscular administration were examined in terms of effects on central nervous system, gastrointestinal system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system and autonomic nervous system in mice, rats, guinea-pigs and rabbits. AG 60 at the dose of 15 mgtg had no influences on pentobarbital sleeping time, spontaneous motor activity, chemoshock produced by pentylenetetrazole solution, writhing syndromes induced by 0.8% acetic acid solution, and motor coordination of mice. However, AG 60 at the dose of 7.5 and 15 mg/kg caused significant decrease of normal body temperature 1 and/or 2 h after the administration. No influence on body temperature was observed at 3.75 mg/kg in mice. Gastric secretion of rat and intestinal motility of mice were not influenced by the dose of 15 mg/kg. In terms of autonomic nervous system, AG 60 did not show direct effect and inhibitory or augmentative action of histamine- or acetylcholine-induced contractions at the concentration of 5 mg/L in the isolated ileum of guinea-pig. The administration of 15 mg/kg of AG 60 did not affect mean arterial blood pressure and heart rate in rat. AG 60 (15 mg/kg) given to anesthetized rabbits showed no effect on respiratory rate.
