사면 녹화 공사용 자생목본식생의 파종 적기에 관한 연구

A Study on the Seeding Timing of Native Woody Plants for the Slope Revegetation Works

  • 발행 : 1997.04.01


This study was conducted to find out the hydroseeding timing of woody plants. Five native plants were used for this experiment and were seeded on the cut slopes by hands in April, May, June, September and October. In order to identify the best seeding time, germination percentage, ground cover rate and plant height were investigated. There was a difference in germination percentage and ground cover rate depending on the seeding time. The results are summerized as follows 1. Characteristics of germination : Seeding was best carried out in spring(May, June) or autumn(September). In spring, Lespedeza cyrtobotrya shows quick germination and rapid growing which can be compared with herbaceous plants using in the hydroseeding. As for Pinus thunbergii, there was little difference in germinatin according to different seeding timing. But Evodia daniellii, Parthenocis년 tricuspidata and Alnus hirsuta seem to need seed treatments to improve the seed germination. 2. Ground cover rate : The most rapid growing plant is Lespedeza cyrtobotrya and the next is Amorpha fruticosa. The other plants show extreamly low ground cover rate, so they seem to be surpressed by herbaceous plants which will be mixed for erosion control. 3. Plant height : On 8 weeks later after seeding, the Lespedeza cyrtobotrya which was seeded in June recorded 17.1cm plant height. It will be enouch height to compete with herbaceous plants. As the Parthenocissus tricuspjdata seeded in May shows 27cm plant length, it can be used more frequently on seeding works if the seed germination were improved. In sum, seeding is best carried out in May. When deciding seeding rate for the purpose of hydroseeding, it will be necessary to adjust the woody plants germination percentage according to seeding timing.



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