조.만생 Orchargrass 품종의 생육특성과 수량성 및 사료가치 비교 연구

Growth Characteristics , Yield , and Nutritive Value of Early- and Late Maturing Cultivars of Orchargrass ( Dactylis glomerate L. )

  • 발행 : 1997.03.30


This experiment was carried out to determine growth characteristics, dry matter (DM) yield, seasonal yield distribution and nutritive value of early- and late maturity orchardgrass, 1990 to 1992. The cultivars used in this study were Potomac, Hallmark (early maturing cultivar) and Lidacta, Rancho (late maturing cultivar), and a mixture plot (Potomac 25% + Hallmark 25% + Lidacta 25% + Rancho 25%) was involved. The seeding rate was 20 kgha in all treatments. Plant height of Potomac and Hallmark was longer than that of Lidacta and Rancho. The dates of initial heading and 50% heading of early maturing cultivars (Apr. 30 and May 10) were 10 days earlier than those of late matuing cultivars. Potomac and Hallmark were upright, and Lidacta and Rancho were semi-upright type, and severe disease and weeds (30 ~ 40%) were observed at Lidacta plot. On an average of three years, the DM yields of Potomac (10,549 kglna), Hallmark (10,435 kg) and mixture (10,356 kg) were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of Rancho (9,457 kg) and Lidacta (8,218 kg). However, seasonal yield distribution of late maturing cultivars was better than that of early maturing cultivars. The contents of crude protein, crude fat, crude fiber, nitrogen %ee extract, aude ash, neutral detergent fiber, P, K, Ca, and Mg were not significantly different between cultivars, but higher aude protein yield was found at Potomac, Hallmark and mixture plots. Based on the above results, it may be concluded that early maturing cultivars for high productivity, late maturing cultivars for seasonal yield distribution, and seeding of mixture andlor separation of early- and late maturing cultivars are recommended. Also Lidacta was a not promising cultivar due to low productivity, severe disease, and high weeds development.
