- 부산대학교 박사학위논문 제주도 지방의 해륙풍의 기후학적 특성과 Simulation에 관한 연구 김유근
- 한국기상학회지 v.26 no.2 해륙풍의 수치 모델에 관한 연구 문승의;장광미;이화운
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- 都市の大氣環境 河村武
- 環境科學硏究報告集, B180-S702 內陸域における 大氣汚染の動態 鶴田治雄
- 日本大版大學, 博士學位論文 地域大氣環境の 數値豫測モテル關する 硏究 李和云
- Mon. Wea. Rev. v.106 Development of hydrodynamic models suitable for air pollution and other meso-meteorological studies Anthes, R. A.;T. T. Warner
- Meso-scale Atmospheric Circulation Atkinson, B. W.
- J. Appl. Meteor. v.35 Ozone concentration profiles in the Los Angeles basin - a possible similarity in the build-up mechanism of inland surface ozone in Israel Dayan, U.;J. Koch
- Quart. J. R. Met. Soc. v.87 A theoretical investigation of the sea breeze Estoque, M. A.
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.6 Development and validation of a generalized mechanism for photochemical smog Hecht, T. A.;J. H. Seinfeld
- J. Appl. Meteor. v.21 Numerical simulation of the effects of St. Louis on mesoscale boundary layer airflow and vertical air motion: Simulations of urban vs non-urban effects Hjelmfelt, M. R.
- Mon. Wea. Rev. v.111 Numerical simulation of the airflow over Lake Michigan for a major lake-effect snow event Hjelmfelt, M. R.;R. R. Braham
- J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan v.59 Numerical study on the effects of mountains in the land and sea breeze circulation in the Kanto district Kikuchi, Y.;Arakawa, S.;Kimura, F.;Shirasaki, K.;Y. Nagano
- J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan v.61 A numerical simulation of local winds and photochemical air pollution(Ⅰ): Two-dimensional land and sea breeze Kimura, F.
- J. Meteorol. Soc. Japan v.61 A numerical experiment of the nocturnal low level jet over the Kanto Plain Kimura, F.;S. Arakawa
- Atmos. Environ. v.25 The effect of land-use and anthropogenic heating on the surface temperature in the Tokyo metropolitan area: numerical experiment Kimura, F.;S. Takahashi
- Atmos. Environ. v.30 no.13 Simulation of climatic effects by construction of reclaimed island in Pusan, Korea Kondo, A.;Yamaguchi, K.;H. K. Ahn
- Atmos. Environ. v.21 no.12 An experimental study of the horizontal and vertical distribution of ozone over Athens Lalas, D. P.;Tsella, M. T.;Petrakis, M.;Asimakopoulos, D. N.;C. Helmis
- Mon. Wea. Rev. The effect of topography on sea and land breeze in a two-dimensional numerical model Mahrer, Y.;R. A. Pielke
- J. Atmos. Sci. v.38 Diurnal boundary-layer development over sloping terrain McNider, R. A.;R. A. Pielke
- Atmos. Environ. v.39 no.24 Numerical simulation of photochemical smog formation in Athens, Greece - A case study Moussiopoulos, N.;Sahm, P.;C. H. Kessler
- Atmos. Environ. v.39 no.24 Influence of sea breeze flows on air pollution over the Attica Peninsula Nester, K.
- J. Japan. Soc. Air Pollut. v.25 Comparative analysis of photochemicl reaction models based on the smog chamber data Ohara, T.;Sakamaki, F.;Akimoto, H.;Ueda, H.;S. Wakamatsu
- J. Japan. Soc. Air Pollut. v.30 no.2 An analysis of annual trends of photochemical oxidants in the Kanto and Kansai areas Ohara, T.;Wakamatsu, S.;Uno, I.;Ando, T.;S. Izumikawa
- Atmos. Environ. v.17 Characteristics of air pollution in the presence of land and sea breeze- a numerical simulation Ozoe, H.;Shibata, T.;Sayama, H.;H. Ueda
- Mon. Wea. Rev. v.102 A three dimensional numerical model of the sea breeze over south Florida Pielke, R. A.
- J. Atmos. Sci. v.28 A theoretical study of the land sea breeze circulation Neumann, J.;Y. Mahrer
- Ocean Mgt. v.6 An overview of our current understanding of the Physical interactions between the sea and land breeze and the coastal waters Pielke, R. A.
- Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc. v.64 The use of a mesoscale numerical model for evaluations of pollutant transport and diffusion in coastal regions and over irregular terrain Pielke, R. A.;McNider, R. T.;Segal, M.;Y. Mahrer
- Atmos. Environ. v.16 A numerical model simulation of the regional air pollution meteorology of the Greater Chesapeake Bay area - Summer day case study Segal, M.;McNider, R. T.;Pielke, R. A.;D.S. McDougal
- Environ. Sci. Technol. v.14 The carbon-bond mechanism: A condensed kinetic mechanism for photochemical smog Whitten, G. Z.;Hogo, H.;J. P. Killus