해양 V. vulnificus의 내독소가 rat의 혈액 성분에 미치는 독성 효과

The Toxic Effect Of Marine V. Vulnificus Endotoxin OH the Blood Component in Rat

  • 발행 : 1997.02.01


Endotoxin from the cell wall of marine V. vujnificus was .extracted using the hot phenol-water method, injected endotoxin into rat, and tested the toxic effect of endotoxin on the blood component In rat blood. The results showed that blood glucose, blood urea nitrogen, white blood cell, and reticulocyte were Increased and red blood cell was the same as the number of control group(normal blood), but platelet was decreased. Above results suggested that endotoxin induced a malfunction of liver and that the Increase of white blood cell was for the removal of foreign toxic substance.



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