인공 생명과 진화 알고리즘

  • 발행 : 1997.03.01




  1. Evolutionary Economics v.3 On designing economic agents that behave like human agents Arthur, W. B.
  2. Genetic Algorithms and Simulated Annealing The evolution of strategies in the iterated Presoner's Dilemma Axelrod, R.;Davis, L. D.(Ed.)
  3. Artificial Life IV Evolutionary dynamics of altruistic behavior in optional and compulsory versions of the iterated prisoner's dilemma Batali, J.;Kitcher, P.
  4. Proceedings of First European Conference on Artificial Life Artificial life and real robots Brooks, R.
  5. Artificial Life II, Reading AntFarm : Towards simulated evolution Collins, R. J.;Jefferson, D. R.
  6. Artificial Intelligence through Simulated Evolution Fogel, L. J.;Owens, A. J.;Walsh, M. J.
  7. Evolutionary Computation: Toward a New Philosophy of Machine Intelligence Fogel, D.B.
  8. Evolutionary Computation v.1 Using genetic algorithms to explore pattern recognition in the immune system Forrest, S.;Javornik, B.;Smith, R.;Perelson, A.
  9. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning Goldberg, D. E.
  10. Proceedings of Second European Conference on Artificial Life The evolution of secondary organization in immune system gene libraries Hightower, R., Forrest;S., Perelson, A.
  11. Adaptation in Natural and Artificial Systems(2nd Ed.) Holland, J. H.
  12. Proceedings of First International Conference on Genetic Programming Evolving evolution programs : Genetic programming and L-systems Jacob, C.
  13. Working Paper 93-12-074 An introduction to SFI Echo Jones, T.;Forrest, S.
  14. Genetic Programming : On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection Koza. J. R.
  15. Artificial Life : An Overview(Ed.) Langton, C. G.
  16. Journal of Theoretical Biology v.18 Mathematical models for cellular interaction in development, Parts I and II Lindenmayer, A.
  17. Artificial Life II, Reading Evolutionary phenomena in simple dynamics Lindgren, K.
  18. Evolutionsstrategie : Optimierung Technischer Systeme nach Prinzipien der Biologischen Evolution Rechenberg, I.
  19. Artificial Life IV Evolving 3D morphology and behavior by competition Sims, K.
  20. IEEE Computer Genetic algorithms : a survey Srinivas, M.;Patnaik, L. M.
  21. Massively Parallel Artificial Intelligence BioLand : A massively parallel simulation environment for envolving distributed forms of intelligent behavior Werner, G. M.;Dyer, M. G.;Kitano, H.(Ed.)
  22. Evolutionary induction of sparse neural programs Zhang, B.T.;Ohm, P;Muehlenbein, H.
  23. 전자공학회지 v.22 no.11 유전 알고리즘 이론 및 응용 장병탁