성역할태도가 부부의 결혼만족도에 미치는 영향

The impact of gender role attitudes on marital satisfaction of husbands and wives

  • 윤경자 (동의대학교 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


Using 220 married couples this study examines the impact of gender role attitudes on marital satisfaction and factors related to gender role attitudes. The results indicated that while couples of egalitarian husbands and traditional wives scored the highest marital satisfaction couples of traditional husbands and egalitarian wives were least satisfied in their marriage. Egalitarian marriages in which both husband and wife were egalitarian and traditional marriages in which both husband and wife were traditional located in the middle. The matches of gender role attitudes than the cogruency in gender role attitudes between husband and wife more influenced couple's marital satisfaction, Wives in general tended to be more egalitarian than husbands. Socioeconomic factors such as age education duration of marriage and the number of children had significant effects on gender role attitudes of both husbands and wives The results imply the changing norm of couples' gender role orientat on today.



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