주부취업과 가계경제구조

Wife's Employment and Family Economic Status

  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


The purpose of the study is to analyze the family economic status by wife's employment. The data used in the study was taken from 1994 Expenditure Survey of Urban Families. The results showed that 33.2% of family income of employed-wife families was from wife's earnings and employed-wife families took more family income compared to nonemployed-wife families. In total expenditure eployed-wife families spent more than nonemployed-wife families. Employed-wife families spent more than nonemployed-wife families these categories such as food away from home rent domestic services clothing & shoes education public transportation and miscellaneous; spent on health care utilities communication and private transportation. The amount of savings of employed-wife families was more than of nonemployed-wife families.



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