Consumer Information Search According to Prior knowledge and Degree of Importance of Products

소비자 제품지식과 제품속성의 중요도에 따른 정보탐색

  • 이승신 (건국대학교 생활문화대학 소비자·주거학과)
  • Published : 1997.12.01


The purpose of this study is to analyze information search according to consumer's prior knowledge and degree of importance of products. Questionnare survey method was used in this research. The sample was taken from 548 university students in Seoul from 19th of June to 26th of June in 1997. Statistical methods used in this study were Frequency, Percentage, Regression and path Analysis. The major findings are summarized as follows; 1) The level of Consumer's prior knowledge showed somewhat middle. 2) Degree of importance of products showed in order of quality, A/S extension exchange price reliance of a manufacturing company a design etc. 3) Information search for the consumer's prior knowledge and importance showed high on the whole. The more prior knowledge consumer have the better they recognize for the importance of products. Therefore consumers are more likely to search information.



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