중년기 주부의 외출복 구매시 정보탐색 및 대안평가에 관한연구

Informations-Search and Evaluating Alternatives of Middle-aged Wives in Buying Townwears

  • 강혜경 (동의대학교 생활과학대학 가정관리학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


The aims of this study are as following. 1) To investgate information-search and evaluating alternatives of middle-aged wives in buying townwears as well as to examine socio-demographic variables physical varialbes and psychological variables and their influences on. 2) To compare the previous study (a study on problems recognition of mjiddle-aged wives in buying townwears) with this study and to relate this results ot previous study results. The data used in this study included 374 housewives living in Seoul and Pusan. Statistics used for data analysis were frequencies means standard deviation Pearson's correlation t-test Oneway ANOVA stepwise multiple regression analysis. major findings are as follows. 1. The degree of information-search and evaluating alternative proved more than middle point. 2. Variables that affect information-search and evaluating alternatives and three : attitude towards purchasing experience of menopause preference for expensive clothes.



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