배양임파구에서 카드뮴, 셀레늄 및 아연 투여가 자매염색분체교환에 미치는 영향

Sister Chromatid Exchanges(SCE) in Cultured Human Lymphocytes Induced by Cadmium, Selenium and Zinc

  • 이연경 (충남대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실) ;
  • 조영채 (충남대학교 의과대학 예방의학교실)
  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


To evaluate the cytogenetic toxicity, of cadmium and the reducing effect of selenium or zinc on cadmium toxicity, the induction of SCEs in cultured human lymphocytes by the concentraion of 0.5 $\mu$M to 16.0 $\mu$M of cadmium chloride and those of cadmium chloride combined with sodium selenite or zinc chloride 1.2 $\mu$M, respectively was investigated. The induction of SCEs by cadmium chloride in the range of 0.5 $\mu$M to 16.0 $\mu$M increased in a dose-dependent manner. A notable increase in SCEs by sodium selenite as well as zinc chloride was also observed. However, the frequency of SCEs by cadmium chloride was inhibited by the simultaneous addition of sodium selenite and zinc chloride 1.2 $\mu$M, respectively. The mitotic index significantly decreased in higher concentration of cadmium chloride but not was significantly different in any concentration of cadmium chloride with the simultaneous addition of sodium selenite or zinc chloride. The results showed that the decreased additive SCE effect was observed when induced by the combined treatment which could suggest that sodium selenite and zinc chloride have a protective effect on cadmium chloride.
