가상 셀룰라 망(VCN)을 위한 통신 프로토콜

Communcations protocol for virtual cellular network (VCN)

  • 발행 : 1997.11.01


Recently a new wireless communication architecture, a Virtual Cellular Network(VCN) was proposed in order to improve the preformance of a wireless network. Unlike a conventional cellular network, the VCN does not use a conventional frequency reuse concep. In the VCN, however, each mobile can use the entire system bandwidth. There is no pre-determined border of cells nor fixed based station for a mobile to communicate with. The performance of the VCN is improved by allowing any mobile to communicate with any port which residues in the virtual cell of the mobile. In this paepr, the Multi Packet Encoding (MPE) is proposed for the VCN uplink in order to improve the unfair throughput and delay caused by the position of the mobiles, and its performance is investigated via computer simulations. The Minimum Group(MG) is proposed for downlink protocol.



  1. IEEE Communication Magazine Wireless network access for personal communications D. Cox
  2. Mobile Celluar Telecommunications System William C. Y. Lee
  3. Proceeding of JCCI'94 가상 셀룰라 통신망의 성능 분석 김화종
  4. 한국통신학회논문지 가상 셀룰라 망 구조 및 성능분석 김화종;정원영
  5. Proceedings of 44th IEEE Vehicula Technology Conference (VTC) '94 Virtual Celluar Network: a new wireless communications architecture with multiple access ports H. J. Kim;J. P. Linnartz
  6. Error Control Coding : Fundamentals and Applications S. Lin;D. J. Costello Jr