The multidimensional subsampling of reverse jacket matrix of wighted hadamard transform for IMT2000

IMT2000을 위한 하중 hadamard 변환의 다차원 reverse jacket 매트릭스의 서브샘플링

  • 박주용 (서남대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 이문호 (전북대학교 정보통신공학과)
  • Published : 1997.11.01


The classes of Reverse Jacket matrix [RJ]$_{N}$ and the corresponding Restclass Reverse Jacket matrix ([RRJ]$_{N}$) are defined;the main property of [RJ]$_{N}$ is that the inverse matrices of them can be obtained very easily and have a special structure. [RJ]$_{N}$ is derived from the weighted hadamard Transform corresponding to hadamard matrix [H]$_{N}$ and a basic symmertric matrix D. the classes of [RJ]$_{2}$ can be used as a generalize Quincunx subsampling matrix and serveral polygonal subsampling matrices. In this paper, we will present in particular the systematical block-wise extending-method for {RJ]$_{N}$. We have deduced a new orthorgonal matrix $M_{1}$.mem.[RRJ]$_{N}$ from a nonorthogonal matrix $M_{O}$.mem.[RJ]$_{N}$. These matrices can be used to develop efficient algorithms in IMT2000 signal processing, multidimensional subsampling, spectrum analyzers, and signal screamblers, as well as in speech and image signal processing.gnal processing.g.



  1. Orthogonal Transforms for Digital Signal Processing Othogonal Transforms for Digital Signal Processing N. Ahmed;K. R. Rao
  2. IEEE Trans. v.ASSP-34 no.6 Fast Hadamard Transform Based on a Simple Matrix Factorization M. H. Lee;M. Kaveh
  3. Elecronics Letters v.26 no.18 Simple Systolic Array for Hadamard Transform M.H. Lee;Y. Yasuda
  4. IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems-II : Analog and Digital Processing v.39 no.12 High Speed Multidimensional Systolic Arrays for Discrete Fourier Transform Moon Ho Lee
  5. IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems v.36 no.9 The Center Weighted Hadamard Transform Moon Ho Lee
  6. PIMRC'96 The Reverse Jacket Matrix of Weighted Hadamard Transform for Multidimensional Signal Processing Moon Ho Lee;Ju Yong Park;Myong Won Kwon;Seung-Rae lee
  7. Multirate Systems and Filter Banks P.P. Vaidyanathan
  8. To appear in IEEE Trans. on CAS-II On the Reverse Jacket Matrix for Weighted Hadamard Transform Moon Ho Lee;S. R. Lee
  9. Accepted MOMUC'97 On the Multi dimensional Subsampling of Reverse Jacket Matrix of Weihted Hadamard Transform Moon Ho Lee;Ju Yong Park
  10. submitted to IEEE ASSP Fast Reverse Jacket Transform Based on a Simple Matrix Decomposition Moon Ho Lee