FDM 방식을 위한 다채널 디지털 수신기에 관한 연구

A study on multichannel digital receiver for FDM

  • 최형진 (성균관대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 전영희 (㈜데이콤/종합연구소 연구원) ;
  • 고석준 (성균관대학교 대학원 전자공학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


A conventional digital receiver sampled a baseband signal and processed it digitally for demodulation. But now we can sample at sufficiently high speed a wideband signal to take enough discrete data values due to the advent of economic high-speed ADC. With this technical background, a wideband frequency-division-multiplexed signal can be undersampled and channelized in digital domain by DFT analysis filter using the theory of polyphase. In this paper, we propose a new digital receiver which can digitally process the multichannel received signal by sampling at IF band, develop a mathematical theory and algorithm, and analyze the performance by using C-language simulaation. The proposed receiver can demodulate analog and digital FM signals.



  1. Proc. of the 3rd Annual Wireless Symposium Digital Radios and Next Generation Receivers for Base Stations Scott V. Behrhorst
  2. Electronic Design The Benefits of Undersampling George Hill
  3. RF Design Digital IF Processing Clay Olmstead;Mike Petrowski
  4. Proc. of the 6th ICSPAT The Use of Subsampling for Economical Digital IF Receiver Implementations John Fakatselis;David B. Chester
  5. Multirate Digital Signal Processing N. J. Fliege
  6. Proc. of the IEEE v.78 no.1 Multirate Digital Filters, Filter Banks, Polyphase Networks, and Applications: A Tutorial P. P. Vaidyanathan
  7. Multirate Systems and Filter Banks P. P. Vaidyanathan
  8. Digital Signal Processing in Communication Systems Marvin E. Frerking
  9. Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems B. P. Lathi
  10. IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol. v.VT-35 Analysis of GMSK with Differential Detection in Land Mobile Radio Channels Said M. Elnoubi
  11. IEEE Trans. Comm. v.COM-18 An FM Detector for Low S/N J. H. Park, Jr.
  12. IEEE Trans. Comm. v.38 no.11 Performance of a Quadricorrelator Driven by Modulated Signals Aldo N. D'Andrea;U. Mengali
  13. 동기방식 디지털 통신 최형진
  14. IEEE Trans. Comm. v.43 no.7 Simultaneous Clock Phase and Frequency Offset Estimation K. E. Scott;E. B. Olasz