Coding of remotely sensed satellite image data using region classification and interband correlation

영역 분류 및 대역간 상관성을 이용한 원격 센싱된 인공위성 화상데이타의 부호화

  • 김영춘 (경북대학교 전자공학과) ;
  • 이건일 (경북대학교 전자공학과)
  • Published : 1997.08.01


In this paper, we propose a coding method of remotely sensed satellite image data using region classification and interband correlation. This method classifies each pixel vector consider spectral characteristics. Then we perform the classified intraband VQ to remove spatial (intraband redundancy for a reference band image. To remove interband redundancy effectively, we perform the classified interband prediction for the band images that the high correlation spectrally and perform the classified interband VQ for the remaining band images. Experiments on LANDSAT TM image show that the coding efficiency of the proposed method is better than that of the conventional Gupta's method. Especially, this method removes redundancies effectively for satellite iamge including various geographical objects and for and images that have low interband correlation.



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