분산형 개인통신서비스를 위한 망구조 및 제어절차 분석

Analysis of network architectures and control procedures for distributed personal communication services

  • 박영순 ((주)가우리 정보통신) ;
  • 최훈 (충남대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.07.01


This paper proposes a cluster-based PCS(Personal Communication Services) network architecture to support increased signaling and control traffic. The procedures are presented to serve the mjobility management and the efficient procesing of the call-control functional using distributed servers. Especially when call-setups are made within a cluster, this distributed servers. Especially when call-setup time and the amount of control traffic of H-HLS (High level Home Location Server) in the network as L-HLS(Low lever Home Location Server) serves the call on behalf of H-HLS. Performance and reliability of the architecture have been also cairried out.



  1. 한국통신학회지 v.12 no.8 PCS국제 표준화 동향 한영남
  2. Proceeding of IEEE Veh.Technol.Conf. A Microcellular Interconnectino Architecture for Personal Communications Networks Andrew D.Malyan;Leslie J.Ng;Victor C.M.Leung
  3. Proc. ICC A Personal Communications Network Architectrue Using the IEEE 802. 6 MAN Andrew D. Malyan;Leslie J. Ng;Victor C. M. Leung
  4. IEEE J. on Selected Areas In Communications v.11 Network Architecture and Signaling for Wireless Personal Communications Andrew D. Malyan;Leslie J. Ng;Victor C. M. Leung;Robert W. Donaldson
  5. IEEE Communications Magazine Distributed Call Processing for Personal Communications Services Thomas F. La Porta;Malathi Veeraghavan;Philip A Traventi;Ramachandran Ramjee
  6. proc. ICC A Distributed Control Strategy for Wireless ATM Networks Malathi Veeraraghavan;Thomas F. La Porta;Ramachandran Ramjee
  7. Traffic Flow Fundaments A. D. May
  8. Probability & Statistics with Reliability, Queueing, and Computer Science Applications Kishor S. Trivedi