Implementation technique of execution time predictable real-time mechanism control language

실행시간 예측가능한 실시간 메카니즘 제어언어의 구현기법

  • 백정현 (중경공업전문대학 전산과) ;
  • 원유헌 (홍익대학교 컴퓨터공학과)
  • Published : 1997.06.01


In this paper, we designed real time mechanism control language and proposed execution time analysis technique. It was impossible to handle real-time mechanism control programs like programmable controller, numerical controller, distributed control system and robot controller with general purpose programming languages and operating systems because they have to process electric signals generated by thousands of sensors at the same at the same time and in real time. So we made it possible to predict plausibility of time constraint constructs of tiem constraint construct of a real time application program at compilation time by adding time constraint constructs and mechanism synchronization structure to conditional statement and iteration statement of a programming language and developing execution time analysis technique.



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