수신측 버퍼 레벨을 이용한 멀티미디어 동기화 기법

A multimedia synchronization mechanism using receiver buffer-level

  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


The future data communications are expected to support the various andcomplex services withmultimedia. So thispaper has focused on the multimedia synchronization problem which has important position in multimedia presentation. Firstly, this paper consider the suitable layer for multimedia synchronization in the communication structure as transport layer or upper ones, in which we propose synchronization mechanism using fixed length buffer with bufer-lever or upper ones, in which we propose synchronization mechanism using fixed length bufer with buffer-level. The proposed mechansim also supports intra-and inter-media synchronization among media. Through simulation, we prove our analysis of the fixed-length buffersize that theproposed mechanism can provide. Also we show comparisons between our mechanism and other scheme.



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