실시간 ATM 망 관리 시스템 구현을 위한 성능 감시와 고장 노드 식별 방안

Performance monitoring and fault node identification method for real-time ATM network management system

  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


Performance management of ATM network is urgently required because a different quality of service should be guaranteed on each connection. A lot of performance measurement data increase the burden on agent systems and on managment stations. In this paper, an effective OAM-based performance monitoring and faulty node identification technique is proposed. A proposed VP Selection Algorithm reduces management-related traffic and when the indication of hard or soft failure state is detected, failed node is identified by Fault Identification Rule.



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  2. IEEE J. Select. Areas Commun. v.11 no.9 Identification of Faulty Links in Dynamic-Round Networks Clark Wang;Mischa Schwartz
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  4. Intergrated Network Management IV Network Performance Management Using Realistic Abductive Reasoning Model G. Prem Kumar;P. Venkataram
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  12. IEEE Network Mag. Monitoring and Control of ATM Networks Using Special Cells Thomas M. Chen(et al.)
  13. Proc. IEEE Globecom Linear lightwave networks:How far can they go? T. E. Stern
  14. Expert systems Applicarions in Integrated Network Management E. C. Ericson(et al.)(ed.)
  15. FEC 1155 Structure and Identification of Management Information M. Rose;K. McCloghrie
  16. Proc. IEEE ISNOM'96 OAM-based ATM Network Management Infoirmation Architecture:SNMP Agent Young-hoon Choi(et al.)
  17. 연세대학교 석사학위논문 실시간 ATM 망 곤리 시스템 구현을 위한 성능 감시와 고장 노드 식별 방안 최용훈
  18. 중간 보고서 ATM 망 관리 시스템 개발 이재용