As enterprises use ATM networks for their private networks and as these private networks use public ATM networks for wide area communication, the need for the customers to be able to manage both private and public networks. Currently, some standardization work is being done towards providing this capability to customers. In this paper, we propose a new customer network management (CNM) system architecture for the management of both ATM a private network and a public network in a uniform way. The particular features of the proposed architecture lies in the efficient support of the complex hierarchial TMN manager-agent relationships at M3 and M4 interfaces, and the support of SNMP and CMIP integration which is necessary for the implementation of a CNM system. The TMN hierarchical many-to-many manager-agent relationships are realized by the utilization of CORBA-Based SMK (Shared Management Knowledge) implementation. We have also implemented the prototype of a ATM CNM system, and measures the performance for the demonstration of the suitability of the proposed architecture.