A Sharing Scheme for Connection Mamagement Objects in Different Distributed Processing Environments

이기종 분산처리환경상에서 연결관리 객체의 정보공유

  • 신영석 (한국전자통신연구원 광대역통신망 연구부) ;
  • 오현주 (한국전자통신연구원 광대역통신망 연구부)
  • Published : 1997.04.01


Open networking architecture is required to support new multimedia services as integrated functions of network management and service architecture. In this paper, we propose the methodology of building block modeling using object grouping concepts and the sharing scheme of different distributed processing environments based on open networking architecture. The building block has the functions of object management, security object instance registry and object mapping in object group. It is necessary for the connection management information to be shared on the interworking between two domains. We implemented and validated connection management functions using computational object modeling and building block modeling in different distributed processing environments.



  1. IEEE Communications Magazine The TINA Initiate William J. Barr
  2. TINA-Consortium News Toward Intgration of Service and Network Management in TINA Juan Pavon
  3. IEICE v.J76-B-I no.11 Network Management toward B-ISDN Masatoshi Kawarasaki;Yuji Inoue
  4. The Proceeding of TINA A Network Management Architecture on a Distributed Processing Environment Chikara S. TakitaW.;Kobayashi H.
  5. IEEE Network A Distributed Software Architecture for Telecommunication Networks Harvey Rubin;N. Natarajan
  6. IEEE Communication Magazine A Framework Architecture for Information Networks N. Natarajan;Gray Slawsky
  7. TM_MDC. 018_1.0_94, TINA-C Documents Overall Concepts and Principles of TINA Martin Chaoman;Stefano Montesi
  8. High-Speed Network '95 Workshop 논문집 Integrated On-line Management of Multi-Carrier Networks 신영석
  9. Workshop on MIS, NA and OFS proposan on a Cooperative Operation Support Environment over Multiple Networks Tatsuo Nohara;Hiroki Tanaka
  10. TINA-C Document Connection Management Architecture Juan Pavon
  11. The Proceedings of DSOM 94 A Distributed Processing Model for Telecommunications Service Management Pieer Giorhio Bosco;Corrado Moiso
  12. ISINM '95 Tutorial Course Notes of TINA-C Telecommunicatios Information NEtwork Architecture Harm Mulder;Juan Pavon
  13. The Proceedings of ISNOM '96 The Sharing Scheme of Managed Object between Two Different NEtwork Management Domains Hyeon Ju Oh;Young Seok Shin;Hyeong Ju Kim
  14. 한국전자통신연구원, 주간기술동향 v.744 no.5 차세대 개방형 정보통신망 구조인 TINA 연구(1),(2) 신영석;오현주;고병도;김재근
  15. The Proceedings of PRFASIG workshop Desktop Video Conference System based on Open Networking Architecture Y. S. Shin;B. T. Kim;H. J. Oh;M. K. Choi