Enhancement of noisy image sequence using order statistic-adaptive weighted average hybrid filters

순서 통계형-적응 가중평균 혼성필터를 이용한 잡음화된 영상열의 향상

  • Published : 1997.01.01


In this research we propose the design of the Order Statistic-Adaptive Weighted Average Hybrid(OS-AWAH) filter which can suppress noise from the corrupted image sequence effectively while preserving the image structure. The proposed filter combines the desirable properties of the order static based spatial filter which can preserve the image structure while reducing noise and the adaptive weighted average based temporal filter which can adapt the filtering weights according to the amount of motion without motion estimation. Performance characteristics of the OS-AWAH filter in noisy sequences containing moving step edges are investigated throuth computer simulations and compared with the median based filters such as 3-D WM(weighted median) filter, MMF (multistage median filter), ADCWM(adaptive directional center weighted median) filter. The visual evaluations are also carried out by applyin gthe filters to the real images. The statistical analysis and experimental reslts show that the OS-AWAH filter is effective in preserving image structures while suppressing noise effectively without motion compensation preprocessing.



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