우리나라 선박교통제제도의 개선방안에 관한 실증연구 - 포항항을 중심으로 -

An Empirical Study on the Improvment of VTS in Korea

  • 임을빈 (여수지방해양수산청) ;
  • 문성혁 (한국해양대학교 해사대학 해사수송과학부)
  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


The purpose of this study is to find out the impacts of VTS on the marine safety and users' opinion on the VTS which have been being operated in the port of Pohang for the last 3 years and is to suggest a guideline to the successful operation of VTS in the future. This study is based upon the questionnaire survey and the respondents include 236 masters/mates of merchant vessels who have visited the port of Pohang and 6 pilots who have been working in the port. From the questionnaire results, this study notes the following conclusions related to the VTS operations. (1) A few of the respondents (mainly foreigners) do not understand the entering procedure of the port and the fundamental concept of VTS. Accordingly, the more active VTS services have to be provided for the mariners. (2) It was found that themost dangerous factors in tehvicinity of the port were the floating materials, fishing nets, andillegal fishing activities inthe fairway. Therefore, the proper surveillance, stricter enforcement of Acts and the instructive education for the fishermen are required to avoid the risks. (3) A majority of the respondents agreed the VTS has contributed to the safety of vessel traffic, and they pointed out ' the assiatances in reduced visibililty conditions' is the most important task of VTS. The amount of 75.6% of the respondents answered that they have experienced the assistance from VTS more than 1 time since the system was established in the port of Pohang . Also 44.2% of the respondents considered they were able to avoid marine casualties such as collision, ramming or agrounding with the VTS assistances. (4) 49.2% of the respondents preferred the passive information services , while, 38.8% of them preferred the positive control advices in the case of encountering any potential risks. VTS iperators have to consider seriously when they provide the positive control advices of ship's course and speed. (5) A majority of the respondents confirmed that the prot and its approaches is suitable for the VTS coverge . To extend the service areas of the VTS and to improve radar detecting ability, the use of radar transponders are seen as the ideal method. (6) A minority of the respondents pointed out 'the improper orders or recommendatinos caused by the poor decision making' firstly, ' the language problem(sea-speaking in English)' secondly, as the deficiency of personal qualification. It seems, therefore, theat the personal efforts of the operators and systematic training programmes for them are necessary to solve the problems.
