국내 텔레포트단지 모델개발에 관한 연구

A Model Development of Teleport Town in Korea

  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


A Teleport is an integrated facility that provides its users with fast, convenient access to advanced telecommunicatoins by satellites, fiberobtics, microwave and other networks. A teleport town is an urban sub-center equipped with teleport and other telecommunication infra-facilities. This study is based on the explicit disclimination between these two related concepts. In this paper we classify various types of teleport town with respect to the specific conditions and situation in Korea. The teleport town which will be developed in Korea should be fitted into the balanced regional structure to boost up the effects of urban or regional development plan. Three models of teleport town(large scale, middle scale, small scale) are proposed on the basis of the classified types of teleport town.
