A Disctete Model Reference Control With a Neural Network System Ldentification for an Active Four Wheel Steering System

  • 김호용 (대구효성카톨릭대 자동차공학부) ;
  • 최창환 (North Carlina 주립대 기계공학박사)
  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


A discrete model reference control scheme for a vehicle four wheel steering system(4WS) is proposed and evaluated for a class of discrete time nonlinar dynamics. The schmen employs a neural network to identify the plan systems, wher the neural network estimates the nonlinear dynamics of the plant. The algorithm is proven to be globally stable, with tracking errors converging to the neighborhood of zero. The merits of this scheme is that the global system stability is guaranteed. Whith thd resulting identification model which contains the neural networks, the parameters of controller are adjusted. The proposed scheme is applied to the vehicle active four wheel system and shows the validity and effectiveness through simulation. The three-degree-of freedom vehicle handling model is used to investigate vehicle handing performances. In simulation of the J-turn maneuver, the yaw rate overshoot reduction of a typical mid-size car is improved by 30% compared to a two wheel steering system(2WS) case, resulting that the proposed scheme gives faster yaw rate response andl smaller side slip angle than the 2WS case.



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