시간논리구조에서 이산사건시스템의 최적화 및 추론

Optimization and reasoning for Discrete Event System in a Temporal Logic Frameworks

  • 황형수 (원광대학교 제어계측공학과) ;
  • 정용만 (원광대학교 제어계측공학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.06.01


A DEDS is a system whose states change in response to the occurence of events from a predefined event set. In this paper, we consider the optimal control and reasoning problem for Discrete Event Systems(DES) in the Temporal Logic Framework(TEL) which have been recnetly defined. The TLE is enhanced with objective functions(event cost indices) and a measurement space is alos deined. A sequence of event which drive the system form a give initial state to a given final state is generated by minimizing a cost functioin index. Our research goal is the reasoning of optimal trajectory and the design of the optimal controller for DESs. This procedure could be guided by the heuristic search methods. For the heuristic search, we suggested the Stochastic Ruler algorithm, instead of the A algorithm with difficulties as following ; the uniqueness of solutions, the computational complexity and how to select a heuristic function. This SR algorithm is used for solving the optimal problem. An example is shown to illustrate our results.



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