- Technometrics v.37 Better subset regression using the nonnegative garrote Breiman, L.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.87 The little boostrap and other methods for dimensionality selection in regression:The X-fixed prediction error Breiman, L.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.72 A simulation study of alternatives to ordinary least square Dempster, A.P.;Schatzoff, M.;Wermuth, N.
- Technometrics v.12 Ridge regresion: biased estimation for nonorthogonal problems Hoerl, A.E.;Kennard, R.W.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.88 Assessing influence in variable seletion problems Leger, C.;Altman, N.
- Communications in statistics v.13 Robust ridge regression methods for predicting U.S. coal mining fatalities Lawrence, K.D.;Marsh, L.C.
- Communications in Statistics v.2 The optimal set of principal component restrictions on a least squares regression Lott, W.F.
Some comments on
$C_p$ Mallows, C. L. - Multiple regression. Contribution to probability and ststistics. Essays in honor of Harold Hotelling Stein, C. M.;I.(ed.)
- Technometrics v.30 Influence measures in ridge regression Walker, E.;Birch, J. B.
A statistic for allocating
$C_p$ to individual cases Weisberg, S.