- Regression Diagnostics Belseley, D.A.;Kuh, E.;Welsch, R.E.
- Biometrika v.66 Linear regression with censored data Buckley, J.;James, I.
- Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B v.30 A general definition of residuals (with discussion) Cox, D.R.;Snell, E.J.
- Journal of Royal Statistical Society, Series B v.39 Maximum like-lihood from incomplete data via the EM algorithm (with discussion) Dempster, A.P.;Laird, N.M.;Rubin, D.B.
- Scandinavian Journal of Statistics Weighted estimation in linear regression for truncated survival data Gross, S.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association Nonparametric estimation and regression analysis with left truncated and right censored data Gross, S.;Lai, T.L.
- Annals of Statistics v.1 Robust regression: Asymptotics, conjectures and Monte Carlo Huber, P.J.
- Robust Statistical Procedures Huber, P.J.
- Robust Statistics Huber, P.J.
- Annals of Mathematical Statistics v.40 Asymptotic linearity of a rank statistic in regression parameter Jureckova, J.
- Annals of mathematical Statistics v.42 Nonparametric estimates of regression coefficients Jureckova, J.
- Journal of the American Statistical Association v.84 Inference based on retrospective ascertainment: An analysis of data on transfusion-related AIDS Kalbfleisch, J.D.;Lawless, J.F.
- Applied Statistics v.26 Proportional hazard regression models and the analysis of censored survival data Kay, R.
- Annals of Statistics v.19 Estimating a distribution function with truncated and censored data Lai, T.L.;Ying, Z.
- Annals of Statistics v.19 Rank regression methods for left-truncated and right-censored data Lai, T.L.;Ying, Z.
- Annals of Statistics v.22 A missing information principle and Mestimators in regression analysis with censored and truncated data Lai, T.L.;Ying, Z.
- Biometrika v.74 Linear models, random censoring and synthetic data Leurgans, S.
- Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics v.1 Computational methods for semiparametric linear regression with censored data Lin, D.Y.;Geyer, C.J.
- Biometrika v.69 Regression with censored data Miller, R.G.;Halpern, J.
- Annals of Statistics v.18 Estimation in a linear regression model with censored data Ritov, Y.
- Journal of the American Statistics Association v.83 A nonparametric approach to the truncated regression problem Tsui, K.L.;Jewell, N.P.;Wu, C.F.J.