일정 답압시 보도블럭포장재 하부 토양물리성의 변화가 조경수 생육에 미치는 영향 - 포설모레 두께 및 립경을 실험변이 인자로 설정하여 -

The Effect on the growth of landscaping trees by fixed trampling in brick paved under-surface soil physical properties -Sand bed's thickness & prticle size were setted by experimental variable factors

  • 발행 : 1997.07.01


The purpose of this study is to find out the effects of brick paved under-surface soil physical properties which are changed by fixed trampling. Thus, a sandy loam which is known as a profitable soil for plants is used an experimental soil to study the changes of the soil physical properties. It is related to sand bed's thickness & particle size which are settled by experimental variable factors. According to the variation of sand bed's particle size, bulk density and soil hardness at natural dryed soilcondition result in 0.075~2.00mm>2.00~5.00mm>2.00~8.00mm>5.00~8.00mm, and water content at natural dryed soil condition are observed being insensible change rate from the point that sand thickness is 30~40mm and more sand bed's thickness constructed by the variation of sand bed's thickness.



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