生態的 環景復元設計에 關한 現象學的 考察 - 마틴 하이데거의 現象學을 中心으로 -

A Phenomenological Study on the Ecological Restoration Design of Human Environment

  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


Today most landscape architects and scientists have approached ecological restoration, only in a scientific way or on aesthetic way so as to deal with the complex phenomena of a site easily. However, 'the real world' as well as 'ecological nature' as it is can not be totally dealt by the scientific approach which is quantitative and reductioinal. ince a site to be restored has the character of 'place' where man 'dwells', it must be designed and built as total phenomenon. In terms of Martin Heidegger's interpretation of "revealing", we might find out how to overcome the dilemma of the 'modern technology'. To the point of the phenomenological integrity between 'modern technology' and 'art', we can reveal 'sense of place' on a site. The phenomenological approach, which is related to the characteristics of the site, implies something more than scientific since it focuses on the development of site-specific data without wasting extra data for ecological restoration. Bodily experiencing a site with the perception, man discloses the site's nature and he also analyzes it in a scientific way. Therefore the phenomenological approach might be a clue of constructing ecological restoration as well as construing the identity of landscape architecture.



  1. 실존·공간·건축 김광현(역)
  2. 연구보고 도시지역에서의 효율적인 생물 서식공간 조성기술의 개발 김귀곤
  3. 현상학과 분석철학 박이문
  4. 학술용역보고 댐 및 하구둑 환경정비계획 박종화
  5. 조경설계론 변우일
  6. 대한건축학회논문집 v.4 no.1 인간과 환경의 관계에 대한 현상학적 접근 방법연구 이규목
  7. 하이데거 철학의 근본 문제 존재진리의 발생사건에서 본 기술과 예술 이기상
  8. 하이데거의 존재사유 기술과 본질의 극복 이선일
  9. 경관분석론 임승빈
  10. 한국조경학회지 v.16 no.1 경관분석 및 평가방법에 관한 연구 임승빈
  11. 철학 소사전 종로서적 편집부
  12. 한국조경학회지 v.17 no.2 한국 경관 의미에서 조명해 본 한국의 전통경관 : 曲과 景을 중심으로 최기수
  13. 현상학과 한국사상 풍수지리에 나타난 대지개념에 대한 현상학적 고찰 홍성하
  14. Process;Architecture v.128 Entropy and the New Landscapes Beardsley, John
  15. Chatsworth Ecological Planning Byeon, Wooil(et al.)
  16. Basic Writings The Question Concerning Technology Heidegger, Martin;J.Glenn Gray(ed.)
  17. Poetry, Language, Thought The Origin of the Work of Art Heidegger, Martin;Albert Hofstadter(tr.)
  18. Poetry, Language, Thought …Poetically Man Dwells… ;Albert Hofstadter(trans.)
  19. Basic Writings On the Essence of Truth ;J.Glenn Gray(ed.)
  20. Restoration Ecology no.June Towards a Conceptual Framework for Restoration Ecology Hobbs, R.J;Norton, D. A.
  21. Beyond Presservation;Restoring and Inventing Landscapes Sunflower Forest Jordan, W. R., Ⅲ.
  22. Landscape Journal 2 An Ecological Aesthetic Koh, Jusuck
  23. Beyond Preservation;Restoring and Inventing Landscapes Art and Insight in remnant Native Ecosystem Loucks, O. L.
  24. Fragile Ecologies;Artists' Interpretations and Solutions Matilsky, Barbara C.
  25. Design with Nature McHarg, Ian L.
  26. Genius Loci;Towards a Phenomenology of Architecture Norberg-Schulz, C.
  27. Basic Ecology Odum, Eugene
  28. Place and Placelessness Ralph, E.
  29. Landscape Architecture no.May Technology Exposed
  30. Attitudes and Values Topophilia : A Study of Environmental Perception Tuan, Yi-Fu
  31. Is There a Measure on Earth? Werner Marx
  32. 水邊の Rehabilitation 水邊の リハビリテ ションの視點 龜山(音)
  33. 自然環境復元 の技術 自然と都市の共生計劃 進士五十八