A study on the impact prediction in environmental impact statement

환경영향평가서 영향예측에 대한 연구

  • Published : 1997.10.01


The purpose of this paper was to analyze the content of impact prediction in EISS, in order to find the degree of the acuracy of impact prediction . 30 EISS were selected as analysis objects through variance miximization strategy. Content analysis of the selected EISS was performed by 5 analysis items, such as quantification of measurement, range of impact area, time frame of impact, likelihood of impact, and explict characterization of impact significance. The results showed that the accuracy investigated by the 5 items was very low. In conclusion, 5 suggestions were proposed in order to improve the credibility of EIS as a scientific report. The 5 suggestions were : 1) impact prediction should be described by quantitative measurement; 2) In establishing the time frame of the impact and the referent populatioin influenced by the impact, the characteristics of the proposed action should be carefully considerd; 3) the significance of the predicted impact should be quantitatively described; 4) specific description should also be used in the likelihood or the probability of the predicted impact in a real world; 5) equal emphasis should be put on the three environment, including natural and social as well as living environment.



  1. 가야산 국립공원 해인 컨트리 크럽 환경영향평가서 (주) 가야개발
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  5. 수원권선지구 1지구 택지개발사업 환경영향평가서 경기도 공영개발사업단
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  19. 울산시 쓰레기 매립장 조성사업 환경영향평가서 울산시
  20. 울산시 쓰레기 매립시설 조성사업 환경영향평가서 울산시
  21. 인천직할시 원창동 쓰레기 매립장 조성사업 환경영향평가서 인천직할시
  22. 인천직할시 원창동 쓰레기 매립장 조성사업 환경영향평가서 인천직할시
  23. 인천계산지구 택지개발사업 환경영향평가서 인천직할시
  24. 진해시 일반 폐기물 매립장 및 하수종말 처리장 설치사업 환경영향평가서 진해시
  25. 청원 컨트리크럽 개발사업 환경영향평가서 청원군
  26. 청원 컨트리크럽 개발사업 환경영향평가서 청원군
  27. 괴산증평지구 택지개발사업 환경영향평가서 충청북도
  28. 청주기경지구 택지개발사업 환경영향평가서 한국토지개발공사
  29. 청주가경지구 택지개발사업 환경영향평가서 한국토지개발공사
  30. 영남지역 산업폐기물 매립장 조성사업 환경영향평가서 함안군
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