The analysis of the foreign laws related to landscape architecture and a study on the reasonable application to the expected organic law for landscape architecture in Korea

외국의 조경관련 법제도의 비교분석과 한국에서의 조경기본법 제정을 위한 합리적 적용에 관한 연구

  • Published : 1997.10.01


There is no special law of Landscape architecture in Korea. So, examining the concept from the legal basis of LA with the viewpoint of a natural scientist not a jurist, this study was conducted to grasp the present condition of the name and the related text of the foreign laws in force which were connected with LA.. And those foreign laws were arranged in the name and the text and classified by nations of regional groups and it was considered to the mutual relation with lots of laws which are scattered with the various laws. Current domestic regulations to the various fields of LA are assembled with the many related rules. The governmental organization conducting those business is nonexistent up to now and it is generally known to except the dept. of LA from the office organization in Korea. Being at a disadvantage as mentioned above, this study was progressed under the necessity of the scientific basis for the expected organic law of LA proposed to establish it by every field of LA. Though feels inconvenience if the study for the items itself of LA had been proceeded prior to the study of laws relating to LA throughout the study, such a extensive study will be a subject to be attempted constantly hereafter by all part of landscape architects. The contents of the study are as follows ; 1. The present condition of the foreign laws connected with LA 1. The proposal & analysis of the problems and the solutions to the domestic laws connected with LA 3. The proposal of the reasonable application pklan in order to establish the organic law for LA. Among the items relating to LA such as engineer, contract, planning, design and supervision, construction, maintenance, plant and planting, open space, facilities, aesthetics and sight, park, land use and development planning, urban and regional planning, leisure space planning, environmental conservation and ecology, structural engineering of construction, administration, right and penal regulations, the laws dealing with the matter relating to LA directly or indirectly are prescribed dispersedly in the many other related laws and it is concluded to be impossible for the independent law of LA is likely to be establish with not only selecting and arranging the matter having closed connections to LA directly but also being recognized as the systematic equipment of the LA business. It was to be analyzed the present condition of the collected foreign laws relating to LA. After pointing out the problems to the domestic related laws being at issue, the remedies for it were presented through the questionnaire of the landscape specialist in which the supporting opinions to the recognition to the problems and the solutions were come to a major portion. Three types of application such as applicable, non-applicable, applicable after examination were presented to decide whether or not the foreign related laws were applied to the domestic one. The result of analysis shows that 42 statutes and 9 ordinances are applicable, 4 statutes and 7 ordinances are non-applicable, 1 constitution, 81 statutes and 48 ordinances are applicable after examination.



  1. 미국환경법제와 사법의 역할 강재규
  2. 환경설계관계법규 권오준 (외2인)
  3. 환경권의 법적 성격과 그 보장에 관한 연구 김명식
  4. 대도시 대지내 녹지확대방안에 관한 연구 김문모
  5. 한국조경학회지 v.21 no.1 일본 건축물의 造景에 관한 제도 김승환
  6. 도시조경관광법규집 김완목
  7. 한국조경학회지 v.22 no.2 독일의 생태학적 造景計劃 정책분석 김용수;L. Finke;나정화
  8. 환경권침해의 구제법리에 관한 연구 김종식
  9. 헌법학개론 김철구
  10. 환경과 造景 no.14 造景關聯法規 개선방향에 관한 제언 김학범
  11. 환경논총 v.29 중국환경법제의 개관 노융희
  12. 대한민국현행법령집 법제처 편찬
  13. 청주대학교 법대 박사학위논문 기본권으로서의 환경권에 관한 법적 연구 변종화
  14. 서울시립대학교 조경학과 석사학위논문 도시 오픈스페이스 관련 법제 개선에 관한 연구 서효정
  15. 환경권에 관한 연구-수오염을 중심으로- 석인선
  16. 造景 관련법령 개선에 관한 연구 신용모
  17. 호남대학교논문집 v.14 造景關聯 법제 연구-造景基本法 제정의 당위성을 중심으로- 신익순
  18. 호남대학교 산업기술연구논문집 v.3 장기미집행 도시공원의 문?┒“? 개발촉진을 위한 법제도 개선에 관한 연구-광주광역시를 사례로- 신익순
  19. 호남대학교논문집 v.17 no.2 造景과 관련된 민법상의 내용에 관한 연구 신익순
  20. 한국 Green Belt 제도의 실태와 개선방향에 관한 연구 안영일
  21. 한양대학교 환경과학대학원 석사학위논문 대도시 과밀건축물 주변 小空地(자투리땅) 造景計劃에 관한 연구 (서울시 도심지 건축관련법규 및 小空地 활용실태분석을 중심으로 오정학
  22. 한국조경학회지 v.11 no.2 造景에 관한 제도 및 법규 오휘영
  23. 신국제공항을 위한 관련녹지체계에 관한 연구 우헌영
  24. 일본과 독일의 도시계획법 유해웅 (외 1역)
  25. 환경보호를 위한 법적 수단과 환경침해로 인한 권리구제 윤영배
  26. 造景工事의 하자에 관한 연구(식재공사의 사례를 중심으로) 이대성
  27. 공지(open space)의 규제라는 측면에서 본 우리 나라의 공원정책에 관한 연구 이대우
  28. 신행정법론(하) 이상규
  29. 한국조경학회지 v.20 no.2 조선시대 造景制度의 법적 측면에 관한 연구 이유직
  30. 환경권에 관한 연구 정병곤
  31. 한국조경학회지 v.23 no.3 계획 ·설계, 시공, 유지 · 관리에 대한 법 · 제도의 개선에 관한 연구 정하광
  32. 경제학원론 조순(외 1인)
  33. 환경권에 관한 연구 최상칠
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  36. 法律のひろば v.42 no.11 日本環境琺の沿革と特色 野村好弘
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  38. 韓國造景學會誌 v.11 no.2 日本 造園界의 現狀과 關聯法規 平野侃三
  39. Ready, Set, Practice-Elements of Landscapd Architecture Professional Practice Bruce G. Sharky
  40. Webster's New World Dictionary David B. Guralnik
  41. Cases and materials on land use David L. Callies(et al.)
  42. Landscape, land use and the law J.D.C. Harte
  43. Design for human ecosystems-landscape, land use, and naturla resources John Tillman Lyle
  44. An introduction to urban design Jonathan Burnett
  45. The Legal Landscape Richard C. Smardon(외1인)
  46. Law and the city Changing patterns of planning laws in Korea Tai Joon Kwon