전자도서관의 WWW 데이터 평가기준에 대한 연구

Developing criteria for evaluation of WWW resources in electronic libraries

  • 안인자 (중앙대학교 문헌정보학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


World Wide Web정보는 인쇄출판물에 수반되는 편집상의 검토나 동료의 평가가 생략되기 때문에 학술정보로 사용될 경우 신빙성이나 권위 면에서 의심을 받게 된다. 따라서 학술정보로 사용할 수 있는 WWW 정보자원의 선택 기준이 필요하며, 이 기준을 개발하기 위하여 미국 15개 대학의 WWW 평가방법을 수집, 분석하여 공통의 평가기준을 추출하였다. 그 후 실 예를 통하여 웹문서내에서 저자사항, 출판자, 갱신일 등의 확인 안되는 문제의 해결방안을 제시하였다.

Unlike most print resources such as magazines and journals that go through an filtering process (e.g. editing, peering review), information in world Wide Web and Internet is mostly unfiltered. Using and citing information found over Web may not be reliable or authoritative. Therefore it is necessary to develop skills to evaluate what we found on the net. Fifteen evaluation documents for WWW are collected, analyzed from digital sources of U. S. academic libraries and common criteria for evaluating WWW resources are developed. Also several practical steps were made to overcome the quality problems.



  1. Computers in Libraries v.16 no.10 Teaching Critical Evaluation Skills for World Wide Web Resources Alexander,Jan;Tate,.Marsha
  2. Library Quarterly v.66 Library functions. scholarly communication, and the foundation of the digital li-brary: Laying claim to the control zone Atkinson,R.
  3. Computers in Libraries v.16 no.5 Evaluating Information on the Internet Brandt,D.S.
  4. Public Libraries Library Selection Criteria for WWW Resources Caywood,C.
  5. Library Journal WebWatch Collins,B.
  6. Library Journal Beyond Cruising : Reviewing Collins,B.
  7. Genres on the Web;Collins Web Genre Categories Collins,B.
  8. Thinking Critically about World Wide Web Resources Grassian,Esther
  9. Computers in Libraries v.15 no.1 Measuring information providers on the Internet Gum,Robert M.
  10. Online Evaluating Internet Research Sources Harris,Rovert
  11. T is for Thinking Henderson,John;M.P.
  12. The ICYouSee Home PAGE Henderson,John
  13. 1996년 전자도서관 국제학술회의 논문집 What is a Digital Library: Definiytions, Content, and Issues Herter,stephen P.
  14. Resource Selection and Information Evaluation Hinchliffe,Lisa Janicke
  15. Resource Selection and Information Evaluation Hinchliffe,Lisa Janicke
  16. Evaluating Quality on the Internet Institute for Academic Technology 1997 Katlas,Carolyn
  17. Evaluating Information Found on the Internet Kirk, Elizabeth E.
  18. Understanding and Decoding URLs Kirk, Elizabeth E.
  19. Collection Management in The Twenty-First Century The Internet and Collection Management in Academic Libraries : Opportunities and Challenges Nisonger, Thomas E.;G.E.Gormanand Ruth Miller(ed.)
  20. Library HiTech. v.15 no.1-2 The Impact of Electronic Information Sources on Collection Development : A Survey of Current Practice Norman, O. Gene
  21. The Computer Delusion Oppenheimer,Todd.
  22. How to Critically Analyze Information Sources Ormondroyd,Joan;Michael Engle;Tony Cosgrave
  23. Internet Research v.6 no.4 Creating a World Wide Web Resource Collection Piontek,Sherry;Kristen Garlick
  24. From a paper presented at 15th Annual Charleston Conference on library acquisitions and related issues Putting the Squeeze on the Information Firehose : The Need for Neteditors and Netreviewers Rettig,James
  25. Evaluating World Wide Web Information Scholz,A.
  26. Evaluating World Wide Web Information Scholz,A.
  27. Criteria for Evaluation of Internet Information Resources Smith,A.
  28. From a paper presented at the John F. Kennedy School of Government Havard University, cambridge, massachusetts, September 6, 1995 Evaluating Quality on the Net Tillman, Hope N.
  29. Evaluating the Quality of Internet Information Sources Wilkinson,Gene;Kevinand,Oliver