제한 논리 프로그래밍언어

  • 신동하 (한국전자통신연구소 정회원) ;
  • 창병모 (숙명여자대학교 정회원)
  • Published : 1997.01.01




  1. Computer Operational Versus Definitional: A Perspective on Programming Paradigms A.L.Ambler;M.M.Burnett;B.A.Zimmerman
  2. ACM Trans. on Prog. Lang. and Syst. v.3 no.4 The Programming Language Aspects of ThingLab, A Constraint-Oriented Simulation Laboratory A.Borning
  3. Programming in Prolog (Fourth Edition) W.F.Clocksin;C.S.Mellish
  4. Communications of the ACM v.33 no.7 Constraint Logic Programming Languages J.Cohen
  5. Communications of the ACM v.33 no.7 An Introduction to Prolog III A.Colmerauer
  6. Proceedings of Intternational Conference on FGCS The Constraint Logic Programming Language CHIP M.Dincbas;P.van Hentenryck;H.Siminis;A.Aggoun;T.Graf;F.Berthier
  7. Technical Report ECRC-93-5 Constraint Logic Programming-An Informal Introduction T.Fr hwirth;A.Herold;V.K.chenhoff;T.L.Provost;P.Lim;E.Monfroy;M.Wallace
  8. Proceedings of IEEE Symposium on Logic Programming Logic Programming : Further Developments H.Gallaire
  9. The CLP (R) Programmer's Manual(Version 1.2) N.C.Heintze;J.Jaffar;S.Michaylov;P.J.Stuckey;R.Yap
  10. Proceedings of 14th ACM Principles of Programming Languages Constraint Logic Programming J.Jaffar;J.L.Lassez
  11. ACM Trans. On Prog. Lang. and Syst. v.14 no.3 The CLP(R) Language and System J.Jaffar;S.Michaylov;P.Stuckey;R.Yap
  12. The Journal of Logic Programming v.19 no.20 Constraint Logic Programming: A Survey J.Jaffar;M.J.Maher
  13. The Proceedings of the 5th ESPRIT Conference: Putling the Technology to Use Representation for Model-Based Reasoning using Prolog III K.Krautter;M.Steinert;A.Knowledge
  14. Constraint Logic Programming and Option Trading C.Lassez;K.McAloon;R.Yap
  15. Foundations of Logic Programming (Second Extended Edition) J.W.Lloyd
  16. Encyclopedia of Arificial Intelligence Constraint Satisfaction A.K.Mackworth
  17. MACSYMA Reference Manual MathLab
  18. Information Science v.7 no.2 Networks of Constraints :Fundamental Properties and Applications to Pricture Processing U.Montanari
  19. Technical Report MIT-AI TR 595 The Definition and Implementation of a Computer Programming Language based on Constraints G.L.Steeie
  20. Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction E.Tsang