STL에 위상정보를 부여하기 위한 삼각형 기반 형상모델링

Creation of Topological Information from STL Using Triangle Based Geometric Modeling

  • 채희창 (전북대학교 기계공학부)
  • Chae, Hee-Chang
  • 발행 : 1997.02.01


Usually triangular patches are used to transfer geometric shape in Rapid Prototyping CAM system. STL, a list of triangles, is de facto standard in RP industry. Because STL does not have topological infoma- tion, it can cause errornous results. So STL should be verified before using. After adding support structures to anchor the part to the platform and to prevent sagging or distortion, slicing and layer by layer manufactur- ing process are done. But triangular patch is surface model and cannot provide sufficient information on geometry in the above processes. So, geometric modeling is necessary in verifying STL, adding support structures and slicing. It is natural that triangle based modeling is the best when tringular patches are used as input. Considering support structures, solid and faces coexist in RP process. Therefore non-manifold modeler is required. In this study, triangle based non-manifold geometric modeling is proposed for RP sys- tem consistent with STL input.
