A Study on Kinematic Evaluation of Hydraulic Schovel Arms by Using a Manipulability Measure

가조작도를 이용한 소형 유압 쇼벨암의 기구평가에 관한 연구

  • KANG, Soondong ;
  • HARA, KeiHUH, Manjo
  • 강순동 (동지사대학 기계공학과) ;
  • 원경허만조 (동지사대학 기계공학과인천전문대학 기계설계과)
  • Published : 1997.01.01


The paper deals with kinematic evaluation of performance of a hydraulic shovel arm for deburrinhg task. First, a new criteria for evaluation is derived to evaluate accuracy of an ene-effector at each position with- in the movable area of the hydraulic shovel arm. Secondly a graphic evaluation system that displays a map of the criteria for evaluation and a map of the manupulability measure is build. Thirdly, by using by using the sas- tem, a hydraulic shovel arm is kinematically evaluated. Finally, from the comparison of the result obtained from the computer simulation and an experimental result, it is indicated that the derived criteria for evalu- ation and the graphic system are useful.
