Design of Planar Microwave Bandstop Filters by Control of Wave Propagation on Nonuniform Transmission Line

  • Park, Eui-Joon (Department of Electronic Engineering, Kumoh National University of Technology)
  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


A design method is newly presented for the creation of planar type filters which shapes will be nonuniform transmission line with continuously varying characteristic impedances. Those filters yield frequency characteristics of the bandstop filter in transmission, and have not nay discontinuities. The design is achieved by the control of wave propagation in view to both reflection an transmission properties on the dispersive nonuniform line within the desired frequency band. The developed algorithm is based on optimized perturbations of inherent nulls of lobes from the solution of first-order nonlinear differential equation for reflection coefficients of the nonuniform line, and an appropriate distribution of reflection coefficient which affects to filter length and bandwidth. Practical measurements for designed wideband microstrip and stop filter show very good agreement with theoretical results.



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