Multilayer Stereo Image Matching Based upon Phase-Magnitude an Mean Field Approximation

  • Hong Jeong (Department of Electronics Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Kim, Jung-Gu (Department of Electronics Engineering, Pohang University of Science and Technology) ;
  • Chae, Myoung-Sik (SK Telecom)
  • 발행 : 1997.10.01


This paper introduces a new energy function, as maximum a posteriori(MAP) estimate of binocular disparity, that can deal with both random dot stereo-gram(RDS) and natural scenes. The energy function uses phase-magnitude as features to detect only the shift for a pair of corrupted conjugate images. Also we adopted Fleet singularity that effectively detects unstable areas of image plant and thus eliminates in advance error-prone stereo mathcing. The multi-scale concept is applied to the multi laser architecture that can search the solutions systematically from coarse to fine details and thereby avoids drastically the local minima. Using mean field approximation, we obtained a compact representation that is suitable for fast computation. In this manner, the energy function satisfies major natural constraints and requirements for implementing parallel relaxation. As an experiment, the proposed algorithm is applied to RDS and natural stereo images. As a result we will see that it reveals good performance in terms of recognition errors, parallel implementation, and noise characteristics.



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