Improvement of Predictive and Corrective Inspection Methods to Control Nosema bombycis Infection in the Silkworm, Bombyx mori

  • Nguyen, Mau-Tuan (Research contre, VISERI, Bao Loc, Lam Dong, Vietnam) ;
  • Jon (AGSI, FAO of the United Nations, via delle Terme di Caracalla, Rome, Italia, College of Agriculture, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, 702-701 Korea)
  • 발행 : 1997.12.01


The microsporidian infection with Nosema bombycis, reconfirmed its high virulence and transovarial tranmissibility, however, the characteristic symptom of the spots like pepper grains on the diseased larval skin was no more recognized by present varieties of the silkworm. Transovarial transmission rate detected from moth was above 90% in dead eggs or dead larvae in the rearing by mulberry leaves, 80% in the newly hatched larvae starved to death. Transovarially transmitted N. bombycis was easily observed from dead eggs and larvae, and were suggested an individual inspection of a few of dead eggs for detection of the pathogenic spores. The progeny population provided indicative factors on the sampling of predictive and corrective inspection. The higher concentration of N. bombycis spores included in the hindabdormal part of infected moth, applicative on the simple method of indivisual moth inspection. For the predictive inspection of growned 5th-instar larvae, N. bombycis infection was detectable without microscopic observation by the unique symptom of turbid milky-white spots on the silk gland. Inspection of the meconia artificially discharged from silkworm moth, was also succesful of microscopic observation before crossing, without killing or homogenize the moths. The results provided a basis of rational methods for the inspection of N. bombycis infection of the silkworm.



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