Isozyme was used to characterize general protein patterns of genetic relationships among 303 silkworm stocks preserved in National Sericultural and Entomology Research Institute, RDA. Six isozymes (esterase, acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase, amylase, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and sucrase) from hemolymph, midgut, and digestive juice were employed to construct dendograms(UPGMA method) using a polycrylamide gel electrophoresis. A cluster analysis revealed four major group, which were divided into several subgroups within each group, contained assemglages of Japanese and Chinese races. Especially, genetic differentiation in the first and second group was greatest rather than within Japanese and Chinese races repectively and was concordant with the hypothesis of phyletic sorting of initial variability in China many years ago. Hypothesized recent introgression between groups was also plausible, but the eviednce suggested bidirectional gene flow between the Chinese and the Japnaese lineages. Interpreting the results in light of evidence from the current study, the genetic diversity and relationship showed in Korean silkworm race, Hansammyun reflected early and independent evolution from the Chinese ancestor, limited addition of new variability and phyletic sorting within Korean peninsula more than 4,000 years.