Notes on the Korean Ascomycetes (III)

  • Published : 1997.09.01


Many higher fungi of ascomycetes were collected at Mt. Jiri National Park from May to October 1996. They were identified and according to the results, Orbilia, Pezicula, Creopus, and Lasiospheria were new genera to Korea. Dasyscyphus bicolor, Orbilia coccinella, Pezicula acercicla, Mollisia revincta, Hypocera citina, Creopus gelatinosus, Lasiospheria ovina, and Rosellinia thelena were newly to Korea.



  1. Ascomycetes v.1 Fungi of Switzerland Breitenbach;Kranzlin
  2. Korean J. Plant. Res v.9 no.3 Notes on the Korean Ascomycetes(1) Cho, D.H.
  3. J. Cramer British Ascomycetes Dennis, R.W.G.
  4. Natural-Ecosystem Repor. Min, K.H.
  5. Kor. J. Mycol v.14 no.4 The Flora of Higher Fungi in Mt.Jiri Areas(Ⅰ) Park, S.S.;Cho, D.H.;Lee, J.Y.
  6. Kor. J. Mycol. v.16 no.3 The Flora of Higher Fungi in Mt.Jiri Areas(Ⅱ) Park, S.S.;Cho, D.H.
  7. Kor. J. Mycol. v.17 no.3 The Flora of Higher Fungi in Mt.Jiri Areas(Ⅲ) Park,S.S.;Cho, D.H.
  8. Kor.J.Mycol. v.18 no.2 The Flora of Higher Fungi in Mt.Jiri Areas(Ⅳ) Park,S.S.;Cho, D.H.;Ryoo, C.I.
  9. Inoperculate v.2 The North American Cup-Fungi Seaver,F.J.