자동차용 디젤엔진 피스톤의 열변형 특성에 관한 연구

Study on the Thermal Deformation Characteristics of the Automotive Diesel Engine Piston

  • 이교승 (정회원, 연세대학교) ;
  • 이진호 (정회원, 연세대학교 기계공학과)
  • 발행 : 1997.01.01


A 3-dimensional finite element model was developed for the analysis of the automotive diesel engine piston. The model, which consists of a full piston to accomodate the eccentric bowl in the piston crown, is used to calculate steady state operating temperature, thermal stress and thermal deformation of the piston. Roundness measurement tests, which are new approaches to the analysis of piston abrasion and deformation, were done for the comparision of two states of a piston-before and after operation. Numerical prediction shows good agreement with roundness measurement test results.



  1. SAE 850360 Cyclical Thermal Pheonomena in engine Combustion Chamber Surface T. Morel;R. Leribar;P. N. Blumberg
  2. SAE 870156 Transient Heat Conduction in Low-Heat-Rejection Engine Combustion Chambers D. N. Assanis;E. Badillo
  3. 연세대학교 석사학위논문 6기통 압축착화기관에서 측정된 실린더 압력을 이용한 단일영역 열방출량 계산 이석영
  4. Thermische Belastung des Zylinderkopfes von Hochleistungs-Diesel-motoren v.35 no.10 K. Pattas
  5. SAE 820086 Piston Thermal Deformation and Friction Considerations C. H. Li
  6. 엔진 열부하의 측정 및 분석에 관한 연구 성낙원
  7. SAe 92061 A New Generation of Tools for Accurate Thermo-Mechanical Finite-Element Analyses of Engine Components A. S. H. Lowe;T. Morel
  8. SAE 910042 Measurement of Cylinder Bore Deformation During Actual Operating Engines T. Gato (et al)