Studies on Electrocardiogram of the Normal Korean Native Goat II. Waveforms and Amplitudes of the Unipolar Precordial Chest Leads

정상적인 한국 흑염소의 심전도에 관한 연구 II. 담부단극유도의 파형과 전위

  • 최인혁 (전북대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 김기주 (전북대학교 수의과대학) ;
  • 윤여백 (전라북도 가축위생시험소) ;
  • 서석열 (전라북도 가축위생시험소) ;
  • 김남수 (호주 머독대학교 수의과대학)
  • Published : 1997.06.01


The electrocardiographic (ECG) parameters on unipolar precordial chest leads in the normal Korean native goat of 343 heads as to CV$_{6}$LU, CV$_{6}$LL CV$_{6}$RU, CV$_{6}$RL and V10 have been measured with a 3-channel Elertrocardiograph and computed, analysed. All wave types as positive, negatives biphasic and flatting in the P and T waves appeared in all leads but any special wave type was not shown more than 60%. Average amplitudes with the highest frequent rate in P wave were 81.4$\pm$32.0 $\mu $V (52.3%), 59.6$\pm $ 27.5 $\mu $V (50.5 %) of Positive type in leads CV$_{6}$LU and CV$_{6}$LL, and -5fl.5$\pm $22.6 $\mu $V (44.0%) of negative type in leads VIO, and 51.3% and 44% of flatting type in leads CV$_{6}$RU and CV$_{6}$RL, but flatting type of clinic form appeared frequent rate between 53% and 77% in all leads. In T wave, average amplitudes with the highest frequent rate were 265.0$\pm $97.1 $\mu $V (54.0%) and 212.2$\pm $90.7 $\mu $V (57.0%) of positive type in leads CV$_{6}$LL and CV$_{6}$RL, and -252.8$\pm $90.7 $\mu $V (56.6%) of negative in lead V10, but amplitudes of T waves that positive and negative type appeared similarity frequent ra蛇 ware 208.7$\pm $99.7 $\mu $V (42.1%), -159.0$\pm $81.6 (43.8%) in lead CV$_{6}$LU and 153.2$\pm $139.0 $\mu $V (47.3%), -130.0$\pm $81.4 (43.2%) in lead CV$_{6}$RU, Amplitudes of QRS complex wave forms showed the highest frequent rate were 218.2$\pm $96.4 $\mu $V (47.8%), 308.3$\pm $135.2 $\mu $V (46.8 %), 232.8$\pm $126.5 $\mu $V (58.5%) and 225.3$\pm $89.6 $\mu $V (54.9%) of R type in the leeds CV$_{6}$LU, CV$_{6}$LL, CV$_{6}$RU and CV$_{6}$RL, and were -92.5$\pm $79.1 $\mu $V,479.0 $\pm $116.6 $\mu $V (33.2%) and 212.1 $\pm $86.7 $\mu $V (32.8%) of QR and 05 type in the lead V10. These results in the V10, CV$_{6}$RU, CV$_{6}$RL, CV$_{6}$LU, CV$_{6}$LL. may be not starve to purpose of unipolar precordial chest leads.



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