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- Am J Vet Res v.45 Preliminary study of the ultrasonographic diagnosis of pregnancy and fetal development in the dog Cartee RE;Rowles T
- Reproduction in the dog and cat(1st ed) Pregnancy Christiansen Ib J
- Biol Reprod v.13 The ovarian cycle of the bitch: Plasma estrogen, LH and progesterone Concannon PW;Hansel W;McEntee K
- Biol Reprod v.17 Changes in LH, progesterone and sexual behavior associated with preovulatory luteinization in the bitch Concannon PW;Hansel W
- J Reprod Fert (Suppl) v.39 Biology and endocrinology of ovulation, pregnancy and parturition in the dog Concannon PW;McCann JP;Temple M
- Am J Vet Res v.44 Radiographic diagnosis of canine pregnancy: Onset of fetal skeletal radiopacity in relation to times of bleeding, preovulatory luteinizing hormone release, and parturition Concannon PW;Rendano V
- Biol reprod v.20 Sexual behavior in ovariectomized bitches in response to estrogen and progesterone treatments Concannon PW;Weigand N;Wilson S
- Am J Vet Res v.44 Canine gestation length: Variation related to time of mating and fertile life of sperm Concannon PW;Whaley S;Lein D;Wissler R
- J Small Anim Pract v.31 Studies on canine pregnancy using B-mode ultrasound: Development of the conceptus and determination of gestational age England GCW;Allen EW;Porter DJ
- J Reprod Fert (Suppl) v.47 Ultrasonographic appearance of the ovary and uterus of the bitch during oestrus, ovulation and early pregnancy England GCW;Yeager AE
- Am J Vet Res v.35 Onset of diestrus in the beagle bitch. Definition and significance Holst PA;Phemister RD
- Vet Rec v.115 Use of echography in bitches for detection of ovulation and pregnancy Inaba T;Matsui N;Shimizu R;Imori T
- Vet Med Diagnosing, treating, and preventing canine abortion Jeanette LF;David KH
- Vet Quart v.13 Influence of litter size and breed on variation in length of gestation in the dog Okkens AC;Hekerman TWM;De Vogel JWA;Haaften VB
- J small Anim Pract v.8 Canine vaginal cytology. Ⅰ. Technique and cytology morphology Schutte AP
- JAVMA v.187 The use of ultrasonography for pregnancy diagnosis in the bitch Shille VM;Gontarek J
- Textbook of veterinary internal medicine (3rd ed) v.Ⅱ Reproductive physiology and endocrinology of the female and male Shille VM
- Current therapy in theriogenology(1st ed) Normal events of gestatin in the bitch and metholds of pregnancy diagnosis Sokolowski JG
- Rev Med Vet v.135 Diagnostic de gestation chez la chienne par echotomographie Tainturtier D;Moysan F
- Diagnostic ultrasound and animal reproduction(1st ed) Accuracy of pregnancy diagnosis in dogs by means of linear-array ultrasound scanning Taverne MAM;Van Oord R
- Vet Quart v.7 Pregnancy diagnosis in the dog: A comparison between abdominal palpation and linear-array real-time echography Taverne MAN;Okkens AC;Van Oord R
- Vet Radiol v.27 A comparison of real-time ultrasound, palpation and radiography in pregnancy detection and litter size determination in the bitch Toal Rl;Walker MA;Henry GA
- Am J Vet Res v.53 Ultrasonographic appearance of the ovaries of dogs during the follicular and luteal phases of the estrous cycle Wallace SS;Mahaffey MB;Miller DM;Thompson FN;Charkraborty PK
- Aust Vet J v.68 Practical aspects of the estimation of the time of ovulation and of insemination in the bitch Wright PJ
- Theriogenology v.34 Association between the preovulatory luteinizing hormone surge and the early ultrasonographic detection of pregnancy and fetal heartbeats in beagle dogs Yeager AE;Concannon PW
- Am J Vet Res v.53 Ultrasonographic appearance of the uterus, placenta, fetus, and fetal membranes throughout accurately timed pregnancy in Beagles Yeager AE;Mohammed HO;Meyers-Wallen V;Van-nerson L;Concannon PW
- 大韓獸醫學會誌 v.36 진도개에서 임신일령에 따른 임신구조물의 초음파상. Ⅰ. 태아 및 태아외구조물의 최초 관찰시기 강병규;손창호;신창록;최한선;오기석;박인철
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.12 젖소에서 prostaglandin F₂α 또는 fenprostalene 투여후 초음파 진단장치로 측정된 황체의 크기와 혈장 progesterone 농도와의 관계 손창호;강병규;최한선;오기석;강현구;김남기
- 한국임상수의학회지 v.13 진도개에서 발정주기, 교배적기 및 배란시기 판정을 위한 질세포검사의 이용성 손창호;백인석;신창록;최한선;강병규
- 大韓獸醫學會誌 v.36 진도개에서 임신일령에 따른 임시구조물의 초음파상. Ⅱ. 태아 및 태아외구조물의 측정에 의한 임신일령의 추정 손창호;신창록;강병규;최한선