- Zoonoses and communicable disease common to man and animals(2 ed) Acha PN;Szyfres B.
- JAVMA v.203 Prevalence of shigellosis and other enteric pathogens in a zoologic collection of primates Banish LD;Sims R;Bush M;Sack D;Montali RJ
- Disease of swine. Ames Bennet PC
- Microbiology(4th ed) Davis BD;Dulbecco R
- Infectious diseases of wild mammals(2 ed) Davis JW;Karstad LH;Trainer DO
- Identification of enterobacteriaceae(4 ed) Ewing WH
- Pathogenesis of bacterial infectious diseases in animals(2 ed) Gyles CL;Thoen CO
- Hagan and Bruner's microbiology and infectious diseases of domestic animals(8 ed) Gillespie JH:Timoney JF;Scott FW;Barlough JE
- Canine and feline gastroentrology Jones BD
- JAVMA v.140 Escherichia coli infection in captive wild cats Klavins JV;Hackel DB, Kinney
- Color atlas and textbook of diagnostic microbiology(3 ed) Konenman EW;Allen SD;Dowell VR Jr;Janda WM;Sommers HM;Winn WC Jn
- Arq Inst Biol(Sao Paulo) v.40 Drug resistance in Enterobacteriaceae strains isolated from animals confined in zoological parks Moreno G;Lopes CA;Andrade JC;Vieira MF
- J Wildl Dis v.9 The occurrence of Salmonellae and Edwardsiella in the turtles of the New York zoological park Otis VS;Behler JL
- Bull Soc Pathol Exot Filiales v.80 Isolation of Kluyvera ascorbata from Madagascan lemurs, healthy carriers of this unusual enterobacterium Richard C;Vicens R;Coulanges P;Monteil V;Rasoamamonjy M
- Zentralbl Vetrinarmed {B} v.18 Isolation of Salmonella and Arizona bacteria from feces of cold blooded animals in the zoological garden of Giza with special refernce to a new Salmonella species: Salmonella giza=8:1,2 Rohde R;Refai M
- Zentralbl Vetrinarmed {B} v.40 Investigations on the aerobic flora and Clostridium perfringens in fecal specimens from free-living and captive caoercaillies (Tetrao urogallus L., 1758) Schales K;Gerlach H;Kosters J
- JAVMA v.167 Zoonoses: A zoo's concern Sedgwick CJ;Roinson PT;Lochher FK
- Arch Inst Pasteur Masagascar v.54 Coprodulture of the animals at the zoological park of Tananarive with isolation of bacteria of the genera Shigella Kluyvera, Pseudomonas, Xanthomonas Vicens R;Rasoamamonjy MA;richard C;Coulanges P
- Bull Soc Pathol Exot Filiales v.80 A reservoir of Shigella of avian origin: Herons and birds of prey of the zoological garden in Tananarive Vicens R;Richard C;Coulanges P;Rasoamamonjy M
- Medical and surgical mangement Diseases of exotic animals Wallach JD;Boever WJ
- Bijdragen Tot de Deirkunde v.33 Enteric infection occuring during on eight year period at the Chicago Zoologic Park Brookfield Williamson WM;Tiden EB;Getty RE
- Presentation 7th Int Symp Dis Zoo An Zurich and Basal Switzerland Pathogenic bacteria recovered at the animal hospital at the Chicago zoological park since Williamson WM;Tiden EB;Getty RE
- 대한수의학회지 v.34 동물원 야생동물에서 분리한 Yersinia enterocolitica의 생물형, 혈청형 및 항생제 감수성 박석기;윤은선;김은경
- 대한수의학회지 v.34 동물원의 야생동물 분변에서 분리한 살몬넬라균의 생물형, 혈청형 및 약제 내성 윤은선;박석기;오영희;김태종
- 한국수의공중보건학회지 v.6 동물원에서 사율하는 각종동물의 살몬넬라속균 분포 탁연빈;하성진