- Theriogenology Abstr v.11 Embryo recovery from prepuberal gilts Baker RD
- J Ahim Sci(Abstr) v.31 Synchronization of ovulation in superovulated gilts Christenson RK;Pope CE;Zimmerman VA;Day BN
- Current therapy in theriogenology Normal and abnormal development and puberty in gilts and boars Dyck GW
- Can J Anim Sci. v.63 Growth of the reproductive tract of the gilts from birth to puberty Dyck GW;Swierstra EE
- Reproduction in farm aninmals(5th ed) Hafez ESE
- J Reprod Fertil v.2 Fertilization in the pig Hancock JL
- J Reprod Fertil v.4 Egg transfer in the sow Hancock JL;Hovell GJR
- Theriogenology v.32 Nonsurgical embryo collection from sow with surgically shortened uteri Kobayashi K;Hayashi S;Ohtubo Y;Honda A;Mizuno J;Hirano S
- Sovetsk Zootech;Anim Breed Abstr v.1;19 Interbreed ova transplantation Kvansnikii AV
- Thesis. The Graduate school of Arts ad Sciences, George Washington University Early embryonic development in the pig. A cleavage timing and cytogenetic study Lupse RM
- Vet Rec. v.82 Pregnancy following non-surgical egg transfer in pig Polge C;Day BN
- J Anim Sci v.35 Effect of number of embryos on embryonic survival in recipient gilts Pope CE;Christenson RK;Zimmerman-Pope VA;Day BN
- Genetic aspects of reproduction in swine Mo Ag Exp Sta Res Bull Reddy VB;Lasley JF;Mayer DT
- Anatomy of the domestic animals(4th ed) Sisson S;Grossman JD
- Repro Lab: A laboratory manual for animal reproductin(3rd ed) Sorenson AM Jr
- J Anim Sci v.30 Control of estrus and ovulation in the pig by ICI 33828 and Gonadotropins Webel SK;Peters JB;Anderson LL
- 한국축산학회지 v.32 no.1 돼지의 수정란 이식에 관한 연구 Ⅰ. 채란시기 및 반복채란이 수정란의 생산에 미치는 영향 김희석;小島 敏之;相馬 正
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- 수의산과학 조충호;강병규;최상용;황우석;김용준;신상태;황광남;김희석