- Journal of Dermatology and Surgical Oncology v.13 Biostimulation of wound healing by laser; Experimental approaches in animal models and fiboblast culture Abergel RR;Lyon RF;Castel JC
- British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery v.36 The effect of low energy infra red ray laser radiation on wound healing in rat Anneroth G;Hall G;Rydenn H;Zetterquist L
- Laser Therapy v.3 Diode laser therapy for rhumatoid arthritis; a clinical evaluation of 102 Joint treated with low reactive level laser therapy (LLLT) Asada K;Yutani Y;Shimazu A
- Acupuncture in Medicine v.6 Laser acupuncture analgesia; an overview Baxter G
- Scandinavian Jornal of Rheumatology v.6 Soft laser therapy of rheumatoid arthritis Bliddal H;Hellenson C;Ditlevsen P;Asselberghs J;Lyager L
- Laser Theapy v.1 no.2 Effect of low level carbondioxide laser irradiation on biochemical metabolism of rabbit mandibular bone callus Cheen JW;How YC
- Int J Nearosci v.110 no.2-3 Electroacupuncture elevates blood cortisol levels in navie horse; sham treatment has no effect Cheng R;Mckibbin L;Roy B;Pomeranz B
- Abstracts. Laser in Surgery and Medicine v.7 Convincing clinical improvement of rheumatoid arthritis by soft laser therapy Colov H;Palngren N;Jensen G;Kaoe K;Windelin M
- Acupunct Electrother Res v.16 no.1-2 The effect of electrical stimulation of the ear points on the plasma ACTH and GH level in humans Debrecen L
- Cephalagia v.1 no.4 primary headaches; reduced circulation beta-lipotropin and beta-endorphin levels with in paried reactivity to acupuncture Facchinetti F;Nappi G;Savoldi F;Genazzani AR
- Alcohol Accttions Misuse v.5 no.6 Functional opioid activit variativ according to the different fashion of alcohol abuse Facchinetti F;Petraglia F;Nappi G;Martignoni E;Sinforiani E;Bono G;Genazani AR
- Clin Endocrinol Entab v.12 no.1 Opiate receptors: enkephalins and endorphin Grossman A;Cliement JV
- Laser Basic Biomedical Reserch v.22 Animal experiments in light-induced wound healing Haina D;Brunner R;Landthaler M;Brun-Falco;Waidelich W
- IEEE Journal of Quentum Electronics. QE. v.23 no.10 Pathological fundamentals of low power laser therapy Karu TI
- Laser in Life Science v.2 Molecular mechanism of the therapeutis effects of low intensity laser radiation Karu TI
- American Journal of Acupuncture v.15 Laser acupuncture: 1st use in physical therapy Klein Kort JA;Foley RA
- International Journal of Acupuncture and Electrotherapy Research v.5 On the of laser in acupuncture Kroot linger M
- Am J Chin Med v.19 no.1 Treatment of iatrogenic of stomach 36 Lin JH;Su HL;Chang SH;Shien YS;Wu LS
- Chen Tzu Ten Chin v.15 no.3 An aproach to mechanism of function of auricular point Liu W;Xu G
- Physical Therapy v.69 no.5 Effects of healing-non laser on skin resistance and pain n patients with trigger point in neck or back Makler Snyder L;Barry A;Perkins A;soucek M
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- Acta Endocrinol v.103 no.4 Suppression of electroacupuncture (EA)-induced beta-endorpin and ACTH release by hydrocortisone in man. Abscence of effects on EA-induced anesthesia Masula A;Satta G;Alagna S;zolo TA;Rovasio PP;Rassu S
- Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation v.66 Treatment osteoarthritis of the Knee McAuley R;Ylsa RA
- The American Journal of Surgery v.1 Effect of laser rays on wound healing Mester E
- Minerva Med v.73 no.13 Neuroreflexo therapy of facial vasomotor pains with soft laser (He-Ne). Discussion of the results in the light of the dermatoneuromeric theory Mikkani L;Roccia L
- Nature v.138 Syndrome produced by diverce nocuous agents Selye H
- J Clin Endocr v.6 The general adaptation syndrom and the diseases of adaptation Selye H
- The physiology and pathology of exposure to systemic stress Selye H. Stress
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- Bull Tokyo Med Dent Univ v.31 no.2 Effect of acupuncture anesthesia on the pituitary gland Umino M;Shimada M;Kubota Y
- Clinical Journal of Pain v.3 Laser therapy for pain of rheumatoid arthritis Waker J;Akajee L;Cooney M;Goldsteins TS;Sgal Gidan F
- Com Med East West v.6 no.3 Changes in adrenocoticotropic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol levels in drugs addicts treated by new and rapid detoxification procedre using acupuncture and naloxon Wen HL;Ho WK;Wong HK;Mehal ZD;Ma L
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- 家畜生理學 津田恒之
- 물리치료학개론 김용철
- 대한물리치료사협회지 v.10 no.1 치료레이저의 물리치료에 관한 고찰 노영철
- 병원신보 no.320 광요법 및 광화학요법 박윤기
- 광선치료(4판) 박찬의
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