The Effects of Laser Beam Stimulation on Blood Status and Concentration of Endocrine Substances in Dogs

레이저광선자극이 개의 혈액상과 내분비물질의 혈중농도에 미치는 영향

  • 조용성 (건국대학교 축산대학 수의학과) ;
  • 차용호 (상주산업대학교)
  • Published : 1997.06.01


The objective of this study was (a) to examine the change of bloodchemistry and (b) to investigate the secretion trend of endocrinological substance in a dog model after laser-beam radiation at different level of frequency (250 Hz, 2,000 Hz, 5,000 Hz and 8,000 Hz). The experimental groups were divided into four groups were divided into four groups on the basis of the level of frequency radiated and stimulated for five minutes. Before stimulation and after a lapse of time (10-minute, 30-minute and 60-minute) all dogs were checked the following parameters; cortisol, ACTH, RBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, WBC, Ca, P, ALT, AST and creatinine. The results were as follow: ten minutes after stimulation, cortisol level of 250 Hz group, 2,000 Hz group, 5,000 Hz group and 8,000 Hz group was increased 18.8%, 20.5%, 23.2% and 309%, respectively. Ten minutes after stimulation, ACTH level of 250 Hz group, 2,000 Hz group, 5,000 Hz group and 8,000 Hz group was increased 26.7%, 26.6%, 30.5% and 29.5%, respectively. It began to decrease and at 30-minute after stimulation resturned to pre-stimulation level at 60-minute after stimulation. In blood examination RBC, hemaoglobin, hematocrit and WBC level showed slight increase and decrease and returned to pre-stimulation level at 60-minute after radiation. In bloodchemical examination serum calcium, inorganic phosphorus, ALT, AST and creatinine level were within normal physiological ranges.



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