- Res Vet Sci v.24 The role of oral immunization in stimulating E. coli : antibody of the IgM class in porcine colostrum Chidlow JW;Porter P
- Pathology and Pathogenesis v.3 Experimental edema disease of swine (E. coli enterotoxemia) Ⅲ Clugston RE(et al)
- Laser in Surgery and Medicine(1st ed) Laser therapy of rheumatoid arthritis Goldman JA
- Xavier A rcus Vil-lacampa Laser therapy today Josep Colles
- IEEE Journal of Quentum Electronics, QE-23 v.10 Photobiological fundamentals of lower power laser therapy Karu TI
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- Natl Inst Anim Health Q.(Jpn.) v.12 Anaphylaxis in pig and its reaction to edema disease Kashiwazaki M(et al)
- Immun v.18 Vero response to a cytotoxin of E. coli infect Konowalchuk J(et al)
- Nature v.187 Stimulated optical radiation in ruby Maiman TH
- Res Vet Sci v.24 Evaluation of E. coli; vaccines against experimental enteric colibacillosis Nagy L(et al)
- Acta Orthop Scand(Abstract) v.60 Therapeutic laser treatment in gonarthrosis Nibrant B;Friberg S
- Low level therapy Ohshiro T;Calderhead KG
- Techno Synthesis, A. G. v.4 Soft energy against pain Pascal C
- Res Vet Sci v.4 Escherichia coli infection : reproduction of the disease in pathogen-free piglets Saunders CN(et al)
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