- Mykosen v.2 Pityrosporum pachydermatis "canis" as a major cause of otitis externa in dogs Abu-Gabel M;Chastain CB;Hogle RM
- Trans British Mycol Soc v.38 A survey of animal mycoses in Britain: Mycological aspects Ainsworth GC;Austwick PKC
- Microbial Ecology Hlth Dis v.7 Application of DNA typing methods to the study of the epidemiology of M pachydermatis Anthony RM;Howell SA;Lloyd DH;Pinter L
- NZ Vet J v.20 The incidence and microbiology of otitis externa of dogs and cats in New Zealand Boxter M;Lawler DC
- Vet Med Small Anim Clin v.78 Pityrosporum canis as the cause of canine chronic dermatitis Dufait R
- Trans British Mycol Soc v.44 Pityrosporum pachydermatis of canine origin Fraser G
- Ind J Microbiol v.13 Fungal otitis in dogs Garg SK
- Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand v.45 Lipophilic yeasts belonging to the genus Pityrosporum found in swine Gustafson BA
- The Yeasts: A taxonomic study(3rd ed.) Kreger-van Rij NJW
- Magyar Allatorvosok Lapja v.48 Incidence of M. pachydermatis (yeast) Ⅰ. characterization of Malassezia genus. Ⅱ. Its importance in canine otitis externa Kiss G;Szigeti G
- J Am Anim Hosp Asso v.27 Dermatitis associated with M. pachydermatis in eleven dogs Mason K;Evans AG
- Vet Med Small Anim Clin v.89 A dermatitis associated with Malassezia in kenneled dogs Mobley D;Meyer DJ
- Jpn J Vet Sci v.52 A new staining solution for the morphological studies of fungi and Prototheca Pal M;Hasegawa A;Ono K;Lee CW
- Dansk Veterinaritidsskript v.75 Seborrheic dermatitis in 10 dogs caused by M. Pachydeermatis: An overlooked problem Pederson K
- Sabouraudia v.16 Pitysporum pachydermatis in a black bear (Ursus americanus) Salkin If;Gordon MA;Stone WB
- J Small Anim Pract v.16 The occurrence and microbiology of otitis externa in the odg Sharma VD;Rhoades HE
- Mydosen v.19 Studies on otitis externa in dogs. Ⅰ. Survey of aetiological agents Sinha BK;Mohapatra LN;Kumar R
- Aust Vet J v.44 The association of yeasts with chronic otitis externa in the dog Smith JMB
- Lancet v.1 Colonization by Pityrosporum pachydermatis Somerville DA
- Vet Rec v.116 Survey of fungal isolates from alopecic and asymptomatic dogs Van Custem J;Keyser H;Rochette F
- Mycoses in domestic animals Van Custem J;Rochette F